Hints in English

Welcome to our genealogy-homepage!

Some few hints to make it easier for you to use our homepage:

We have published our results of family research in lists of descendants (Stammfolgen, SF) and lists or pedigrees of ancestors (Ahnenreihen, AR). Main region is North-Germany (Schleswig-Holstein, Niedersachsen [Lower Saxony], Mecklenburg and towns like Lübeck, Hamburg, Flensburg).

A short history of Schleswig-Holstein and some links for researchers: Download pdficon_small

Germany consists of some Federal Countries, if you want to know something about history of this Federalism and the difference to other European nations click here: Download pdficon_small


Go to  Index für Namen…  for names and places, choose and click a family name:  one or two or more citations will be offered;  or go to  Stammfolgen & Ahnenreihen  and you will find  names of lists/pedigrees and a rough overview of region, time and names of that lists – finally click at ‚Download PDF‘ pdficon_small. to open that pdf-file – here you will find firstnames and all data and connections.

Some lists (pastor-families Rist, Schepler, Richertz a.o.) contain extensive additions and sources.

Aktuelle offene Fragen means we have open questions in connection with some persons on this lists. Anmerkungen: remarks.


You can contact us off-public via Kontakt / Impressum

Jens Kirchhoff and Michael Kohlhaas